Saturday, August 11, 2012

Baby on the brain??

If you are thinking about starting a family, I am sure you have done some research about diapers, bottles, etc.  If not, it's never too late to start.  Don't know where to start? Ask family and friends what they used or their suggestions and build from there. 

When we decided to have a baby our decision was a little rushed.  Read my about me, it will explain why.  We didn't take the time to plan and save.  We didn't take the time to be prepared.  So while there are circumstances that prevent you from preparing for a little one, it is important to do so when you can.

When thinking about a little buddle of joy snuggled in your arms there are other factors that you don't want to consider, but should.  The biggest one is....How much that sweet precious peanut is going to cost you.  Now, I am not telling you this to discourage you from having a child, rather to prepare you for it. Having kids is an amazing blessing.  While money isn't everything, it still matters.  We live in a society where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.  When you add a baby to that you have to start finding ways to stretch that paycheck.  Maybe you can't go get your hair colored at the salon every 6 weeks or maybe your husband has to cut back on all his "toys", OR maybe you need to find an additional source of income.  Either way, being prepared makes having a baby much more enjoyable and a little less stressful.

Something to think about...Daycares can start at about $120 a WEEK and go up from there.  If you have family members that will be watching your kids for free, then you are one lucky mom/dad!!  Otherwise, my suggestion is to take a look at your monthly budget (don't have one? start one!).  If you don't know where you would get roughly $500 a month for daycare, now is the time to figure out how.  It may be time to start clipping coupons, or getting a part time job.  If you can handle this no problem, then virtual high five!!  If your budget can handle it and you have the time, I suggest taking a year of saving that $500 a month.  You will thank yourself later.  This could help too if you don't get paid for maternity leave.  If you are blessed enough to be a stay home mom, keep in mind that preschools are usually tuition based.  They are not as expensive as daycare though.  For 2 days a week I have seen preschool as low as $120 a month.  I have also seen it as high as $189 a month.  Some states offer a 4yr old pre-k that is through the school district.  We were fortunate to be able to send my oldest to one in Wisconsin that was only $25 for the YEAR!  Now we are back to paying $238 a month for preschool.  So it is a good idea if you are working and plan on leaving your job to stay home, to save as much of your paycheck as you can before you leave.  Again, you will thank yourself later. :)

Another big one is diapers!!! I know some families are doing cloth diapers to help cut cost and waste, I never ventured that way.  If you are going for disposable diapers here are a couple of suggestions.  One is to ask everyone that is coming to your baby shower to bring a small pack of diapers.  I was very fortunate with my first son and ended up with a year supply of diapers!!! Keep the receipts of the diapers you get before the baby is born.  You never know just how fast your little peanut will grow.  If you keep the receipt you can usually go and exchange your diapers for a different size as long as it's in it's return/exchange window. Also, as you enter into your last trimester you could start purchasing larger sized diapers for as the baby gets older (sizes 1/2 are good ones).  All of these things will soften the blow.  Those big economy size boxes of diapers are roughly $45 for name brands.  If you can front the money, buying in bulk will save you some money here.  If you want to try a generic brand, I found Target's to be really good when my boys got a little bit older.  I just couldn't part from my newborn Pampers in order to try them out sooner. 

Another big expense may be avoidable.  Breastfeed if you can!! It may seem odd to some at first, or it may seem too time consuming.  But think about that little peanut and how good it is for them.  The other thing to keep is in mind is how much money you will save.  A 22 oz container of formula is around $23 and you may go through it in a week or less.  So at a minimum you will spend around $95 for the month, and that is on the low side.  So like I said, breastfeed if you can!!!

Now, don't be discouraged.  The good news is that out of all the expenses in life: utilities, medical bills, mortgage/rent, etc. these three do have an end.  After about a year the formula will be gone (if you decided to go that route).  Diapers will be done as soon as you potty train (around age 2/3).  And the daycare for the most part will subside when they start school full time.  Again, this post is not to discourage you from having a baby, rather be more prepared going into it.  If you are already pregnant and haven't started any saving, it is never too late. has a calculator to help you figure out how much a child will cost.

A few more suggestions for the road.  Enroll in mailing programs.  You can get samples and coupons.  If you don't clip coupons, consider starting! Especially for diapers!!  Enroll in any free rewards programs, you never know when they will pay out. :)  Most important: enjoy every second because they really do grow up faster than you think.  I know everyone says that, but you don't truly realize it until it happens to you. 

<3 Ashley

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